Kampo Medicine is the traditional herbal medicine of Japan with a history of more than 1500 years. Originating in China, Japanese Kampo Medicine developed unique features in Japan, characterized by a refinement and pragmatic reduction of the appication of herbal formulae and the number of herbs.
Clinical indications are a variety of chronic and functional diseases, such as gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases, deficiency syndromes, menopausal disorders, and varied problems in oncology and geriatrics.
Today, Kampo Medicine is well integrated into modern health care in Japan. Extensive research has been conducted in basic and clinical research fields, and a standard regarding the quality of herbal medicines has been developed.
The International Society for Japanese Kampo Medicine (ISJKM) is an international association that promotes communication and collaboration among English speaking researchers and practitioners who are dedicated to and identify with Japanese Kampo Medicine.
The purpose of the society is to provide an international voice in understanding the scope of the field and promoting excellence in clinical practice, education and research within an international context.
ISJKM was founded 2009 in Tokyo and is located in London.
In accordance with the results of the General Meeting of 23 September 2023 in Oxford, the following members currently form the Executive Board:
President: Silke Cameron, Göttingen, Germany: mail@isjkm.com; silke.cameron@med.uni-goettingen.de
Vice-President: Yoshiharu Motoo, Kanazawa, Japan: motooy55@gmail.com
Treasurer: Gretchen De Soriano, London, UK: kampouk2@gmail.com
In addition, Heidrun Reißenweber-Hewel, Germany as Honorary President for her longterm achievements for ISJKM, is supporting the Executive Board.
Our 7th International Symposium for Japanese Kampo Medicine will take place 2025
Chinchón near Madrid, Spain!
Date: Fri. Sept 19 – Sat. Sept 20, 2025
Registration now open!