Welcome to the "Ask a Kampo Doctor!" series!
In this series, a number of great Kampo doctors and Kampo specialists, who are members of ISJKM from various countries, are interviewed about their first hand experiences of Kampo medicine in their clinical practices. Visitors of ISJKM can learn more about Kampo medicine and the interesting stories from our Kampo doctors!
"Ask a Kampo doctor!" project has been run by Kampo UK.
Our today’s guest is a Kampo doctor and an Assistant Professor at Tokai University School of Medicine in Kanagawa Japan, Dr. Yoshinobu Nakada! He is also focusing on education of Kampo Medicine with Professor Arai at the university.
Kampo UK: What was the inspiration for you to start using Kampo in your practice?
Dr. Nakada: Before I became a Kampo fan, I thought that Kampo was one of the quackeries. Hochuekkito (補中益気湯), however, changed my
misunderstanding. It relieved strong tiredness which I felt when I was woken up by calls on night duty in the hospital. After this experience, I have been gradually becoming
interested in Kampo.
Kampo UK: What are the most common conditions/illness for which you use Kampo to treat in your practice?
Dr. Nakada: The most common clinical complaint that I use Kampo for is a cold sensation. Other clinical complaints include
orthopaedic pains, ENT (ear, nose & throat) symptoms for example tinnitus, tiredness, mental disorders, defecation disorders, skin troubles and menstruation troubles among others.
Kampo UK: What was the most memorable case throughout your entire practice of Kampo?
Dr. Nakada: I like “acting as a peacemaker” between a wife and her mother in law using Yokukansan-ka-chinpihange (抑肝散加陳皮半夏). The
troubles between them can be quite serious. Does this problem happen perhaps only in Japan? Or does it also all over the world? Of course, an interpersonal relationship issue
can develop not only between these two ladies but also among anyone. The strong and the weak arise between a supervisor and a subordinate, between a buyer and a seller and even among
friends. The strong is aggressive against the weak. The weak tries to endure it at first but gets weary and can develop psychosomatic disease eventually.
Yokukansan-ka-chinpihange (抑肝散加陳皮半夏) is applicable for the weak in such a case. One of my female patients was having a hard time handling aggressiveness of her father-in-law. I
prescribed her with Yokukansan-ka-chinpihange (抑肝散加陳皮半夏). She had become mentally more stable with the formula. Furthermore, she even received a compliment from her boss for her
improved ability to manage customers’ complaints much better at work.
Kampo UK: Could you share one memorable experience with Kampo that it did not work as well as you would have liked?
Dr. Nakada: At the end of my outpatient service, I review every case and sometimes reflect on some cases. I find a hot sensation on the
elderlies’ extremities one of the most difficult conditions to treat. Often depression is under the surface as well, and I have to realise this.
Kampo UK: What is the most important lifestyle advice you give patients to maintain good health?
Dr. Nakada: In the most south-west part of Japan, you find beautiful tropical islands which are named Okinawa. There is a lovely
word, “Nuchigusui” there. “Nuchi” means Life; “Gusui” means medicine; and “Nuchigusui” itself means food. Therefore, food is life-medicine. In German, there is also the same
word, “Lebensmittel”. Please re-consider your eating habit.
Kampo UK: Thank you for the valuable stories!
About Dr. Yoshinobu Nakada, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Tokai University School of Medicine
Fellow of the Japanese society of internal medicine
Fellow of the Japanese circulation society
2001 Graduated from Jikei University School of Medicine
2003 Senior resident and postgraduate school, cardiology department Jikei University School of Medicine
2007 Post-doctoral research, Medical University of Innsbruck Austria
2009 Cardiology department, Jikei University School of Medicine
2012 Internal medicine, Shonan hospital
2015 Department of Kampo medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
2016 Assistant professor, Tokai University
Contact Details:
Yoshinobu Nakada, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Kampo medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
143 Shimokasuya, Isehara, Kanagawa, 259-1193 JAPAN
TEL: +81-463-93-1121