Welcome to the "Ask a Kampo Doctor!" series!
In this series, a number of great Kampo doctors and Kampo specialists, who are members of ISJKM from various countries, are interviewed about their first hand experiences of Kampo medicine in their clinical practices. Visitors of ISJKM can learn more about Kampo medicine and the interesting stories from our Kampo doctors!
"Ask a Kampo doctor!" project has been run by Kampo UK.
Our Today’s guest is a Kampo doctor in private practice in São Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Kazusei Akiyama! He introduced Kampo Medicine in Brazil in 1995, and since then has been spreading the knowledge of Kampo Medicine within the Brazilian society.
Kampo UK: What was the inspiration for you to start using Kampo in your practice?
Dr. Akiyama: I entered medical school in the 1980’s when super-specialisation was overly admired. Being a medical student in such a
trend, I majored in the science of surgery. However, I started having doubts on the idea of finer specialisation and became more interested in holistic medicine. Around that time, my
father was diagnosed with cancer and received anticancer treatments. Therefore, I searched what can be done to alleviate the side effects of anticancer treatments, and what else is
available to treat his condition beside the anticancer treatments. What I came across was Oriental Medicine.
Kampo UK: What are the most common conditions/illness for which you use Kampo to treat in your
Dr. Akiyama: I run a private medical clinic in São Paulo, and there are two kinds of medical practice in the clinic. One of them is
general internal medicine, which I mostly see Japanese expatriates residing in São Paulo. The other is the practice of oriental medicine. The former is a community heath care so I use
Kampo herbal medicine for diseases commonly seen like a cold, diarrhoea and other acute conditions alongside western medications. In the later, many of my patients suffer from intractable
diseases. There are a lot of painful conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.
Kampo UK: What was the most memorable case throughout your entire practice of Kampo?
Dr. Akiyama: A female patient came for a consultation asking help for her infertility. She had been going through fertility treatments
at a hospital for the past two years prior to her visit to my clinic. I diagnosed her condition as Suidoku which could be described as “a flooding condition”. Based on my diagnosis, I
prescribed her with a water moderating formula, and she got pregnant after 2 months of taking this Kampo formula. I clearly remember that both she and I were surprised with the happy and
speedy outcome then. This case reconfirmed for me the importance of diagnosing the patient’s Sho (patterns of Kampo). (Year 2000)
Kampo UK: Could you share one memorable experience with Kampo that it did not work as well as you would
have liked?
Dr. Akiyama: A memorable experience I would like to share here is not that Kampo itself wasn’t effective. It was the case that I could
not continue to give a Kampo treatment to a patient because little information on the kampo medicine was/is available in western countries.
A 62 years old female patient developed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and was receiving chemotherapy. She had started imanitib about forty days before she came to see me. The reason for
her visit to me was that she was suffering from swelling, back pain, abdominal pain, muscle cramps and tiredness as side effects of the medication. I prescribed her with a Kampo formula,
and a week later in a follow-up session, she presented great improvements. However, her oncologist strongly opposed to the use of Kampo and therefore, I reluctantly had to stop the Kampo
treatment. I really felt frustrated then.
I explained to the oncologist that the Kampo I prescribed to the patient would not require liver metabolism considering that there is frequent development of impaired liver functions when taking
the above anticancer medication. However, the oncologist kept his stance to disagree the use of Kampo saying , “I have never heard of Kampo.” At the end, I entrusted to the patient
whether she would like to continue the Kampo medicine or not. She regrettably had to stop it. (Year 2009)
Kampo UK: What is the most important lifestyle advice you give patients to maintain good
Dr. Akiyama: Have regular and balanced meals. In addition, it is important to choose good quality and seasonal foods.
Kampo UK: Thank you for the valuable stories!
Dr. Akiyama's Contact Details:
Kazusei Akiyama, MD, MPH, PhD
Consultório Kazusei Akiyama
E-mail: consult@akiyama.med.br
Address: Rua Cubatão, 86 #1101 - São Paulo SP - 04013-000 Brazil
Phone: +55-11-3885-0788
Mobile: +55-11-98135-8205
Web site: www.akiyama.med.br