The International Society for Japanese Kampo Medicine (ISJKM) is an international non-profit association that
promotes communication and collaboration among English speaking researchers and practitioners who are dedicated to and identify with Japanese Kampo Medicine.
The purpose of the society is to provide an international voice in understanding the scope of the field and promoting excellence in clinical practice, education and research.
The location of ISJKM is London, UK.
Responsible for the contents of this website is the Executive Board of ISJKM:
President: Heidrun Reißenweber-Hewel, Munich, Germany: mail@isjkm.com
Vice-President: Ulrich Eberhard, Madrid, Spain: consulta@ulrich-eberhard.com
Treasurer for Western members: Gretchen de Soriano, London, UK: g_de_soriano@hotmail.com
Treasurer for Japanese members: Takeshi Sakiyama, Tokyo, Japan: sakitake8chobori@momo-mail.com
External Links
ISJKM also provides external links to other websites. ISJKM makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other websites that you may access from this website. ISJKM has no control over the content of these websites and cannot guarantee the reliability or accuracy of any information linked externally.